Terms & Conditions
My meaningful work is now offered in beta stage.
User accounts are free of charge, and will remain free. At this beta stage and beyond, we really want to know how it works for you. We will ask you to share your experience through a survey once in a while. Please do not hold back to share your views with us any time, this is how we can learn to improve our service. ("share" should link to the contact page)
Partner accounts are free for the time being. In exchange of your usage and testing, please do comment on the functions and send us your suggestions for features and your experience. ("send us" should direct to the contact page)
Coach accounts are free for the time being. An accreditation process is required, for which we charge a one-off fee. We are committed to offer you the best possible matching experience with your clients. Please share your suggestions and experiences with us. ("share" should link to the contact page)